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Regarding PC security
1. Scan your PC for viruses, adware, and malware regularly. Not only could you preserve your PC, but your account details too.
2. Before playing on a cafe make sure of the nature of that cafe, the enviroment of the players, as well as the owner or owners personnel.
3. Avoid hopping between internet shops, especially where you're not familiar with. Who knows? Even nation-wide computer shops (like a certain **topia) have keyloggers installed in them.
4. Check programs that are installed by running the task manager and see all the processes in it. If you see malicious programs etc. (this programs either eat a lot of memory or vice versa ex. 28750KB or 570KB w/o seeing any programs open on your desktop)advise the owner of the shop, if he/shedoesnt respond never ever PLAY on that cafe/computer shop!

Use Strong Passwords
The number one technique you can possibly implement. Hackers are experts at programming computers to plough through huge amounts of data very quickly. That’s the reason longer passwords are more secure; the number of possible combinations grows exponentially with every extra characteradded.
Hackers employ a technique called “dictionary attack” where they repeatedly try username and password combinations by running through hundreds of common words, phrases, numbers and combination them till they get lucky. It’s important you use random strings like “sh@m13s(!)” instead ofperhaps “shamie123″

Don’t use Generic Usernames
Using common words for usernames such as “admin”, “administrator” or “Site Owner” can cause many implications because you are simply making the job of the hacker’s a lot easier. By using such common words for your username, you are incredibly increasing the success rate of the hacker by at least a few points of a percentage, which is consider a lot where only one answer can be right from an unlimited range of combinations.
Anti-Hacking tips
1. First Install antivirus and make sure it is updated regularly. (If you have one thing to be done to protect the security of your computing environment, the advantage always quick software update).
2. Second anti-virus software is not enough – it is also a good idea to firewall (good fences make good neighbors) software to prevent incoming and outgoing messages from the computer when connected to Internet installed.
3. Third Password protection software settings so that nobodycan change the levels of protection. Most antivirus programsalso offer some protection against the Trojans, not really a virus, but a small program, the other to control the computer.
4. Fourth Turn off the preview pane in their email program. Some viruses, worms, called, can your system without having to click on infected attachments – do not open from the preview window. Some worms can lead to confidential information and documents to be sent to millions of people.Be careful when opening attachments, even if it appears to come from someone you know – the system can be infected.
5. Fifth Disconnect the computer from the Internet when not in use. The more you connect to the Internet is to provide the best opportunity for people to have unauthorized access.
6. Sixth If your computer is used by others, a periodic survey on software and software research, you discover that you are not yet installed. It is safer to make a policy with unauthorized software to be installed without your consent.
7. Seventh If the user name and passwords must be stored in their system, so that a document that is password protected, are included. It is safer to store passwords on your computer. Do not let Windows “remember” passwordsfor you. Passwords must be longer than 8 characters long and contain uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers and symbols.
8. Eighth sure to properly log out of online services. Many others, who may use your computer to access these servicesand you may be responsible for their activities.
9. Ninth backup your files and store them away from your computer. Frequent backups of common sense. The more virulent types of attacks, damage or infect the hard drive and you can lose valuable personal data. Week backup of your data, you can protect your important files, computer settings and digital media irreplaceable.

Email Address
1. Hide your Email Address from everyone by going to Edit Profile>Contact Information>Clicking on the icon beside your email address> checking 'Only Me'.
2. Change your primary email address to a one that is only known to you by going to Account Settings>Email> and changing your primary email to the new one (known only to you) and removing your previous email address.
3. For additional security, when in Account Settings, check 'Secure browsing' and 'Send me an email when a new computer or mobile device logs into this account' and click Save.

Regarding Password Security1. Time and time again... NEVER, EVER give your username and password to anyone else. Let them call you a prick, let them call you a snob... just DO NOT give your account details! EVER!
2. Remember your passwords all the time, and never ever putit on a piece of paper. Have at least three(3) reserve passwords so you can rotate those passwords once a week or a week of two.
3. Avoid using words from the dictionary, easily guessed codes like your birthday, mother's name, your name, your girl/boyfriend's name, etc. Choose passwords not related to you.
4. Make your passwords long and complex. Combine differentCaPiTaLizaTIonS, use difrnt spehlleengz and use numb3r5 andsymb()|s to make it hard for passwords to be cracked.
5. When in doubt, change your password right away. Change your email password first, then your game account password.
6. Never login your RF username and password in any site except Level-Up Sites and the RF client. Same as your email username and password.

What’s good password ?
- Use different passwords for different Web sites. Maintain separate passwords for e-mail, work and other important Web sites and routine web- surfing.
- Use difficult-to-guess password by taking the first alphabet from each word of a phrase. What is a good password? It is a password which is at least 8 characters long, not easily guessable, contains mixture of uppercase and lowercase letters as well as numbers, and preferably contains special characters like $, *, %, !, * etc. Some examples of a good password are: &(^.3235*cRack&.^).
- Always use alphanumeric passwords with special charactersand try to adopt phrasing technique to construct passwords which are easy to
remember, hard to guess and impossible to crack. Create a unique acronym. Never use a dictionary based password like guest, home etc. It takes little time for a good cracker to crack the password.

Securing your wireless network
- Securing your wireless network
The whole aspect of security of wireless networks has become very important ever since terror e-mails were sent tomedia by alleged terrorists. Terrorists used unsecured wireless networks to hack into an individual's Wi-Fi network and sent e-mails just before bombs went off in Ahmedabad and New Delhi.
It is in this environment protecting your unsecured Wi-Fi network becomes very important lest somebody misuses thesame.
Here are 10 simple ways in which you can secure your wireless network :
1. Change default administrator usernames and passwords :
Most routers or access points come enabled with a default setof username / password combinations. These combinations are well documented and available online for hackers to use. If a hacker can access your device's administrative pages theycan modify the configuration and control all aspects of your device. These username / password combinations can be changed from the administrative panel and should be set to something difficult to guess.
Keep a password which is difficult to guess and not easy to crack. A good password is 8 characters long, not easily guessable, contains mixture of uppercase and lowercase letters as well as numbers and preferably contains special characters like $,*,%,!.
2. Turn on encryption :
All wireless devices support some form of encryption. Encryption technology scrambles messages sent over the air and ensures that they cannot be intercepted by hackers. Several encryption technologies exist for wireless communication today. WPA is the strongest commonly available encryption technology for home devices. While WEP can also be used cracking WEP is just a matter of few minutes. We would advice corporates to go for WPA with EAPAuthentication, TKIP / RC4 Encryption or WPA 2 with EAP Authentication, AES-CCMP encryption for better security.
3. Change the default SSID :
Access points and routers all use a network name called the SSID. Manufacturers normally ship their products with the same SSID set for all routers. For example, the SSID for Netgear devices is normally 'NETGEAR'. The default SSID can be changed from the administrative panel and should be set to something unique.
4. Enable MAC Address filtering :
Each wireless device possesses a unique identifier called the physical address or MAC address. Access points and routers keep track of the MAC addresses for all devices that connect to them. Wireless routers offer the option to key in the MAC addresses of your home equipment so as to restrict the network to only allow connections from those devices. It ensures that rogue users cannot connect to the wireless router without using advanced MAC spoofing techniques.
5. Disable SSID Broadcast :
The wireless access point or router typically broadcasts the network name (SSID) over the air at regular intervals. This feature was designed for businesses and mobile hotspots where wireless clients may roam in and out of range. For the home user, this roaming feature is unnecessary, and it increases the likelihood someone will try to log in to your home network. Fortunately, most wireless access points allow the SSID Broadcast feature to be disabled by the network administrator. Your SSID name can be manually entered into your devices to prevent the need for SSID Broadcasts to be enabled.
6. Do not auto-connect to open wireless networks :
Connecting to an open wireless network such as a free wireless hotspot or your neighbour's router exposes your computer to security risks and attacks. Although not normally enabled, most computers have a setting available allowing these connections to happen automatically without notifying the user. This setting should not be enabled except in temporary situations.
7. Assign static IP addresses to devices :
Most home wireless devices use dynamic IP addresses. DHCP technology is indeed easy to set up. Unfortunately, this convenience also works to the advantage of network attackers, who can easily obtain valid IP addresses from your network's DHCP pool. Turn off DHCP on the router or access point, set a fixed IP address range instead and then configureeach connected device to match. Using a private IP address range (like 10.0.0.x) prevents computers from being reached directly from the Internet.
8. Enable firewalls on each computer and router :
Modern network routers contain built-in firewall capability, but the option also exists to disable them. Ensure that your router's firewall is turned on. For extra protection, consider installing and running personal firewall software on each computer connected to the router.
9. Position the router or access point safely :
Wireless signals normally reach to the exterior of a home. A small amount of signal leakage outdoors is not a problem, but the further this signal reaches, the easier it is for others to detect and exploit. Wireless signals often reach through neighboring houses and into streets. When installing a wireless home network, the position of the access point or router determines its reach. Try to position these devices near the centre of the home rather than near windows to minimise leakage. Many routers allow you to reduce the range of your router from the administrative panel to prevent the signal leakage.
10. Turn off network during extended periods of non-use :
The ultimate in wireless security measures, shutting down your network will most certainly prevent outside hackers from breaking in! While impractical to turn off and on the devices frequently, at least consider doing so during travel or extended periods of downtime.
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